Shitty Day

I've had a shitty day

I lost my mind
He lost his job
Nasty little rumors
being told to my Mama
Screaming matches with my Mema
And made my Daddy cry.

Oh, officially a horrible, shitty day

So I threw a fit
And made a scene
Cried an unpretty,
puffy eyed,
glass throwing cry

And when I was absolutely sure
my crying spell was done
I cried a little more.

It was all so unladylike
Good girls aren't raised to act such ways
Guess I'm not a good girl

Then I threw in the towel
Called it a day
Lay my head on my bed
And gratefully call quits
a truly shitty day.

In response well in truth to a shitty day, but also to Theme Thursday at


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