
Kept this
broken heart locket
locked inside
the drawer beside my bed
tarnished silver
hides rumpled pictures
fools' smiling faces
frozen in the happy past
a heart's dependence
on what used to be
I should pawn it
let it go
to new pictures
a healthy beating heart
to warm the cold metal
but I'll keep it
locked inside the drawer
holding on
to faded pictures
of all I left behind

In response to Three Word Wednesday at http://www.threewordwednesday.com/2012/04/3ww-cclxviii.html


  1. Over time even the most insignificant item of a past love is very hard to part with and if lost becomes a treasure impossible to replace. I got some and lost a few too, so I felt this strongly.

  2. I really like the direct, blunt "I should pawn it." I seems to contradict the tone of the rest of the poem in a very useful way.

  3. This was lovely...so many can relate to those rumpled pictures "frozen in the happy past." *sigh* I have more than one locket.

  4. Sometimes old pictures..battered silver gives warmth and comfort in a cold..harsh way..your words seem to echo your blog banner..a beautiful picture..both pared down but with little picture windows of warmth..Jae

  5. it is difficult to let go. your poem has a quiet rhythm,
    with poignancy.

  6. It's difficult to let go of the past you've captured this perfectly.


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