Ode to Life
When I am gone, and all
that remains is dust,
I give you my sincerest
for rainy lullaby nights
and the crisp rays of dawn;
For dandelions, birthday
candles, and falling stars
to whom I entrusted all
my deepest wishes;
For airplane tickets and
full tanks of gas
pushing me forever
You showed this heart
what it means to be alive
with every infatuation,
intertwining intimacy, and shattering end.
For every tumble that
scraped up my knees
you taught me how to
and to never hang my head
in shame at the fall.
For every fissured,
cracked heart,
you showed the strength
in the mend.
And I overflow with
appreciation for that spark,
whether it was a dim glow
or a raging wildfire,
that kept my fingertips
reaching for dreams.
So, Life, please accept
my offering of thanks
for the breathtaking
beauty of this world
and the generosity of a
heart with which to view it.
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